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Tag: PHP

Installing Eclipse with Subversion for PHP and Javascript Development on Mac OS X

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard comes with the 64bit version of Java 1.6 installed by default. Unfortunately, Eclipse 32bit and older subeclipse plugins are not 100% compatible with the 64bit version of Java 1.6. You may encounter errors when using Eclipse such as “Unable to load default SVN client”…


Using Eclipse to Debug PHP

With EasyEclipse and the PHP Debugger extension, you can debug and step through a PHP call. Installing the PHP Debugger (DBG) Extension Download the PHP Debugger (DBG); specifically the DBG 2.15.5 dbg modules for windows. Unzip the dbg modules to a temporary directory. Copy the relevant php extension file, currently…

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Setting Up an Apache, MySQL, PHP Development Environment with XAMPP

Rather than installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP individually, XAMPP is an integrated development enironment that combines all three (and more) into one easy installation. Download XAMPP and install it into the default “c:\xampp” directory. Set apache and mysql to start as services. Start XAMPP and browse to “http://localhost/” and you…